Radical Love Asia Foundation
Kingdom Destiny Elementary & High School
His Kingdom come... in Asia as it is in heaven...
What Current Thai Schools Need: According to Sataban, the Thai education system is seen by many American Chamber of Commerce member companies as i nadequately educating students in two important areas: English and critical thinking. Science, math, and Thai language skills have also recently been d r o p p i n g t o l e v e l s b e l o w international standards and lower than its neighbors. Standardized national tests administered by the Ministry of Education show that these scores in Thailand are dropping, with neighboring Malaysia, and even Laos, faring better in English, math, and science. Traditionally, schools focus on memorization and classrooms are not interactive. Students subsequently learn to listen, memorize, and repeat information verbatim onto a test. Th i s p r o d u c e s a s t u d e n t population lacking innovation,creativity, and critical thinking skills. (https://www.sataban.com/problems-with-the-system/ March,2016)
Pattaya has so much potential to bring the glory of God. It lies 147 kilometers southeast of Bangkok on the northern coast of the Gulf of Thailand. In 1950, Pattaya was not muchmore than a small fishing village; today, it is one of Thailand’s leading beach resorts. However, there is a horrible reality. Pattaya also attracts visitors from all over the world for sexual exploitation of adults and children. To bring in the transforming power of Jesus that changes lives, the harvest is plentiful but the workers are few. Our focus is the Kingdom of God and His righteousness, to raise up sons and daughters. Those that are lead by the Spirit of God are sons of God, these children will know Jesus intimately and use His wisdom with their spiritual au-thority to transform this city, this nation and the continent of Asia.
Pattaya has two major problems caused by the sex industry. The supply and the demand. There is a influx of spiritually, mentality, emotionally and physically hurting people who are searching (in demand) for what they’ve lost, instead of finding their identity in Christ, they are exploiting the city and the beautiful people in poverty (who supply). Both of these groups are missing the same One thing. Both are children of God who have lost their identity. There are lost souls looking for the lover of their soul in all the wrong places. Meanwhile they are destroying themselves and exploiting people who have little hope. Although sex tourism is still one of the main drivers of Pattaya’s tourism market, the city wants this stopped, yet they want solutions on how. “The City of Pattaya is working hard to reposition itself as a family-friendly destination, providing something for everyone.”
(According to HVS article, https://hvs.com/article/7940-hvs-market-pulse-pattaya-thailand)
Children are at risk daily from exposure & trafficking For every action of God, there is a counterfeit. If you don’t know the power of God and His intimate original plan of walking with Him and having dominion over the earth, than even those that are strong, can end up submitting to what they see around them. We want to partner with what the city is doing to become family-friendly.
Currently, the most vulnerable, children, are the most deeply affected by the problem of culture deterioration. They suffer the worst. Faced with an education system around them that doesn’t give them the Truth, children don’t have the revelation of their identity in Christ,which tells them that they have the authority to transform themselves, a nd t h e p o w e r t o transform the problems they see.
Pattaya has a huge need to raise up sons and daughters who know their identity, their value in Christ. What great power He has given for those who believe! Jesus gave us all authority to heal the sick,cleanse the lepers, cat out demons, and raise the dead in Matthew 10:8. The need for a Thai-Christian primary and secondary school is great. To have a school that: *Entrusts a child with the truth of their identity in Christ. *Believes the Gospel of the Kingdom, that by Jesus’ life,death and overcoming death, that the transforming power of God is in those of us who believe. *Empowers a child that as a son or daughter of the Most High, we are given all authority to destroy the works of hell. *Leads in the mandate for each person to be unashamed of this good news, introducing Jesus to everyone around them, that the most loving Person who has ever lived and through Him, bring the Kingdom of God to Pattaya as it is in heaven.
When you transform a child, you transform a family, a transformed family transforms a city and transformed city transforms THE NATION!
Researchers targeting street children estimate that Pattaya hosts between 1,500 and 2,000 homeless and impoverished children at any one time, while numbers are increasing. “The majority of these children have been trafficked, endured crimes of pedophilia or other physical and emotional abuse. Older children remain particularly vulnerable to the sex trade, HIV/ AIDs, and any form of physical and sexual abuse. Children growing up in Pattaya’s seventeen slums are also at risk of sexual abuse and trafficking. Foreign pedophiles often ‘groom’ poor families, gaining their trust to have unsupervised access to the children. “In Pattaya street children confront issues that no child should have to live with on a daily basis : Lack of adequate care, food and shelter; abuse; loss of parents; and uncertainty about the future.
Children living in the slums are also at constant risk of abuse and exploitation and our experience shows that many children that we meet in the streets have run away from abusive situations while living with their families in slums. The large majority of these children have been to school but lacking a structured study environment they tend to lose interest in education and drop out.
Solution : Jesus.
Knowing Christ Saves, Being known by Him Empowers Need for Schools that bring the Kingdom of God The Kingdom Destiny School is the missing part of the solution in this tourist city. Prevention is 80% of the solution. Education transforms culture, a powerful tool in stopping the cycle of poverty and oppression. The gospel of the Kingdom restores nations to how they were originally intended — to be brought back into relationshi with Father God, through the reign of King Jesus. To be saved. The Biblical word is sozo, it is to save, to keep safe and sound, to make whole, to rescue from danger or destruction. We will begin a Thai-Christian primary school serving grade 1 - 6, focusing on English, Chinese, and Russian as foreign languages. Building a facility on land the Lord is giving us, running with 120 students the first two years, 50% qualifying as scholarship students. Kingdom Destiny School’s mission is we will be empowered to know our royal destiny as children of the King of Kings — Jesus — and with that authority use the gifts Holy Spirit has given us to bring the good news of Jesus
How can you help?
Come, give or pray!
Come to Pattaya, Thailand: We need you to come be a part of our Radical Love family. We are needing teachers, people to serve as accountants and administrative leaders, revival group pastors, technology supporters, drivers, builders, landscapers and more as lovers of Jesus. Our sons and daughters need spiritual mothers and fathers to demonstrate the Kingdom of God to them while we live as laid-down lovers of the King of Kings. We have opportunities to serve and are willing to equip through or Radical Love Supernatural Equipping and Discipleship Training. Contact us for more information.
Pray for our growing family that the Father of glory, the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, would impart to us the riches of the Spirit of wisdom and the Spirit of revelation to know Jesus through our deepening intimacy with Holy Spirit.
Give by being a part of our financial giving team: We have a budget that allows tiers of givers to come be a part where you can see how you giving blesses the progress of building this Kingdom building project on the Mount of Olives. To give through Commission Ministers Network, go here.